Cllr. Ollie Sykes
BH2024/02461 - 42 Waterloo Street
25th November 2024
A late comment on application BH2024/02461 follows.
Local resident concern about this application remains despite the proposed occupant number having been reduced and an additional ground floor communal area being added instead of a bedroom.
While I welcome the modifications made by the developer, I continue to share the concerns of residents, in that a change at this location to HMO greatly increases the use density and impact on the immediate area. I think there are two areas that planners /committee needs to consider:
· Noise impact and fire risk to neighbouring properties
· Risk of communal spaces being changed to bedrooms after completion
Regarding noise impact and fire risk to neighbours, both are likely increased by the removal of chimney breasts on the basement, ground and first floors. No mitigation is indicated on the plans and should be included in
Regarding risk of non-compliance with consented after completion i.e. by adding an additional bedroom, this is difficult to monitor but advice against this could be included in the decision note alongside information
about penalties for such a breach.
Resident letters have also raised the likely noise impact to bedroom 01 from movement above and planning officers may wish to add a requirement for sound insulation to mitigate this.